
Obituaries : Barry M. Caplan, Cantor and Teacher


Barry M. Caplan, 39, cantor at Kehillat Ma’arav synagogue in Santa Monica and education director at the temple’s religious school, died in a car accident Sept. 28 while en route to a Rosh Hashanah service.

Born in North Hollywood, Caplan was cantor at Temple Beth Ami in Reseda and Har Zion Congregation in Phoenix before coming to Kehillat Ma’arav a year ago. He received numerous awards during his career, including the University of Judaism Award of Merit and the Jewish School Directors Forum Chairman Award.

He held an undergraduate degree from Cal State Northridge and master’s degrees in education and teaching from the University of Judaism. He received his cantorial certification from Hebrew Union College.


A memorial service will be held at Kehillat Ma’arav, 1715 21st St. in Santa Monica, at 1 p.m. Oct. 25. The family requests that donations be made to a memorial fund established in Caplan’s memory at the synagogue.
