
Campaign Research


Each week I have changed the political sticker on my car--alternating Perot, Bush and Clinton on my rear bumper. Call me unscientific because I have no margin of error for my survey, but I believe the results are quite significant.

On separate occasions, I received a wave, a honk, two thumbs up and a kiss blown on the wind from five attractive women when my Clinton sticker was on display. I got a thumbs down from a cute young waif, a wave from a rich-looking chick in Laguna Beach, and in a possibly unrelated occurrence, I was cut off near the South Bay curve during the week that my Bush sticker was exhibited. A trucker honked in support of Perot. Conclusion: Clinton has got the babes in his camp. He will probably get my vote.

And my neighbors, who have no appreciation for political research, think I’m a schizophrenic screwball.



Long Beach
