
PLATFORM : Religion and Politics


As in World War II, when all Americans were asked to contribute to the war effort against the evils of Hitler’s fascism, we are being asked by those in our Christian community to contribute to this effort. In some ways, I see this effort as, or more important than, the evils we faced in World War II. Our society is unraveling right before our eyes.

Unfortunately, we live in a political world. Change can only come through the political process. Christians must be educated in how this political process works. For many of my fellow Christians, this education must come through the pulpit. Christians must learn who in political life shares similar values with them. They must learn who will lead our country, state and local communities in a way they would like them to be run. Like the disciples of Jesus, we are asked to spread the word of God. Only in this case, we are asked to vote in the word of God.
