
Trouble Brewing in Slav Macedonia


Martyred Bosnia is on its knees, abandoned by the big powers that could have saved it if President Bush and European leaders had taken decisive diplomatic steps against the criminal Serb president a year ago. Acting Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger, former ambassador to Yugoslavia and a friend of Belgrade, is still not convinced that Western countries should allow Bosnia to arm and defend itself against the savage, murderous Serbian warlords.

How much more suffering and misery, how many more acts of atrocities and mass murders are needed to convince Eagleburger? Aren’t almost 2 million Bosnians driven out of their homes at gunpoint, and turned into beggars, whom no one in Europe wants, enough to haunt us all?

Now, it’s probably too late for Bosnia, but history is going to ask some hard questions: Why did Europe and the U.S. so shamelessly let the people of Bosnia down?



