
Who Do Spokespersons for Land Annexations Represent?


The article “Unincorporated Areas Contemplate City Life” (Nov. 8) is the latest in a series that appear to cast realtor Nancy Howell in the role of a spokesperson for the town of Sunset Beach.

As a past president of the Sunset Beach Community Assn., past chairman of the Sunset Beach LCP Review Board and a concerned citizen, I’d like to point out that Ms. Howell (does not) speak for Sunset Beach.

The fact that a non-resident realtor renting a storefront on PCH would favor annexation to Huntington Beach is hardly remarkable. Perhaps she envisions the same unregulated high-density growth which characterizes PCH in Huntington Beach as a model for our town.


While manipulating the media isn’t a capital crime, the issues being discussed deserve a far more thoughtful analysis than has been provided. I hope the legitimate leaders of our community will begin to step forward and meet this challenge head on, before Nancy Howell’s vision for Sunset Beach becomes our sad reality.


Sunset Beach
