


Five hundred years ago, months before Columbus “discovered” America, Muslim rule ended in Spain. Gone was a golden age where Jews, Christians and Muslims lived together, creating a great civilization that paved the way for the West to escape its dark ages. Its replacement was the infamous, religiously inspired Inquisition, which ensured that Spain was “cleansed” of Muslims and Jews.

More than 50 years ago, the West (including America) used ignorance as an excuse for not stopping the Holocaust. Is history being repeated today? What is the excuse as we watch the new holocaust of “ethnic cleansing” enacted in forced expulsion of millions of people from their homes, mass killings, decapitations and rapes?

Presidential candidates this year kept referring to America as the greatest country not only in today’s world but ever to grace the face of the Earth. Can America, the world’s only superpower, claim such greatness without exercising it? If you have the knowledge and means to stop a crime but you don’t, aren’t you then at least a silent partner? And when you stop the victim from defending himself, by imposing an arms embargo, don’t you become an active partner?


If America doesn’t act before it is too late for Bosnia, it may be too late for America’s soul.
