
A Different Look at Reasoning


Tim Rutten’s Thanksgiving column (“Why It’s High Time We Listen to Reason,” Nov. 26) says a lot more about Rutten’s world view than about what to me, and I suspect to most Americans, is a very pure holiday.

A day to reflect on all that is wonderful in life; a day to spend with family and friends enjoying the blessings of being an American.

For Rutten it seems to be a day of casting stones.

He castigates the Plymouth Puritans for the Salem witch trials, an event that happened 71 years after the first American Thanksgiving when, I assume, the original Pilgrims were no longer among the living.


Rutten says Thanksgiving has always made him slightly uneasy. He states that life is tepid, empty and endless. Perhaps the fault lies within him, and not within Thanksgiving.


