
Sexual Abuse of Bosnian Women


Does your newspaper and U.S. policy actually intend to stir the civil and inter-ethnic war in the Balkans by an unobjective portrayal of the events in the former Yugoslavia and by satanizing the Serbs?

Why do you write about rapes on the territory of Bosnia exclusively from the Croatian point of view? Have you tried to contact the Serbs on the issue of violence, sexual and other kinds of war crimes, genocidal policy, destruction of churches and monuments, ethnic cleansing, looting and other forms of human rights violations? What do you think is the reason for 600,000 people, of whom about 60,000 are Muslims, fleeing Bosnia and Croatia, seeking shelter in Serbia?

And, finally, for how long will you continue to describe the Serbs in Bosnia as the aggressors, and their centuries-old territory as the occupied land? How can one possibly occupy his own village, his own house or farm, where even their ancestors had lived and died? How long do you intend to get taken in by propagandist tricks of our enemies?


The Serbs are defending themselves from genocide, which started in Croatia and in Bosnia in World War II and continues in the present day. They are defending their families, their homes, their ancient land, their human dignity and their freedom.


Belgrade, Yugoslavia
