
Civic Plaza May Lease to Businesses


Private businesses may be able to join city government as tenants in Thousand Oak’s new Civic Arts Plaza if the Conejo Recreation and Park District backs out of tentative plans to move into the complex.

After agreeing in principle to occupy 10,000 square feet in the plaza--and to reimburse the city for the estimated $2-million cost of building that space--park district officials Wednesday said the move might be too expensive.

State and county cuts slashed the park district’s operating budget by $1.2 million this year, and the financial struggle “may not be over yet,” General Manager Tex Ward said. “Now that our circumstances have changed, we need to look at other problems,” such as maintaining services and staff, Ward added.


If the park district cannot afford to move into the plaza, Thousand Oaks will have to scramble to find a new use for the space, said Edward Johnduff, who manages the plaza for the city. The $63.8-million complex, which will house an auditorium, theater and government offices, is slated to open in late 1994.

Although they had counted on receiving $2 million from the park district to cover some construction costs, Thousand Oaks city planners said they may complete the civic center on budget nonetheless, because some stages of the project have been cheaper than anticipated.

In addition, if the park district remains at its current site--in a building it owns on East Wilbur Road--the city would be able to earn money by leasing the vacant civic center space.
