
Protecting Rights


Thank you for the article on Canada’s enlightened legislation that protects those who may have a different sexual orientation than the majority of us (Dec. 29). It is always helpful to read about another country’s treatment of the homosexual issues. If nothing else, it allows us to see how archaic our nation’s attitudes really are on this subject.

I do not think it is helpful, however, to continue to headline and use the often misleading term “gay rights.” There really are no “gay rights” as the press and those who have problems with homosexuality might persuade us to believe. What the Canadians and many others have discovered is that because of prejudice and discrimination, all too often gays and lesbians are denied the “inalienable rights” that the rest of us just take for granted. Unfortunately, legislation is sometimes necessary to protect the existing rights of those of different sexual orientation from the homophobic and uneducated populace that can sometimes be so myopic and cruel. Sadly the regular use of the term “gay rights” suggests to some that this minority is demanding and receiving “special rights,” when in fact in most cases all they want is to be treated and protected like everyone else.

I pray for the day when such terms and legislation will no longer be necessary.


Irvine United Church of Christ
