
PLATFORM : White Equality

ANDREA VROOMAN, 16, is a junior at Esperanza High School in Anaheim. Commenting on a recent report that said that white students, for the first time in Orange County, are now the minority in public schools, she told The Times:

Other minorities have events to promote their various cultures, such as Black History Month or the celebration of Cinco de Mayo. But any attempt to promote the “white” culture is seen as an act of racism.

People have classified all the diverse European cultures into one little term: white. This has virtually erased any sense of cultural identity for whites. A fear of being labeled a racist has caused many Caucasians to fade into the background when it comes to asserting themselves culturally.

This fact sadly comes to light as whites become a minority in public schools in Orange County. This is especially true in schools where there are clubs geared toward certain racial groups, but none are really aimed at whites.


The equality that society is always crying for is glaringly absent when it comes to the treatment of white minorities.
