
Second Opinion / OTHER MEDIA : KOREA TIMES (English Edition) : Visit Their Places of Worship and Learn About Blacks

From a commentary by Dr. Eui Young Yu, sociology professor at Cal State L.A.

Visiting a black church makes one discover that they are no different from Koreans, having exactly the same feelings, emotions, thoughts and ideals. They are as equally scared of crimes, drugs and economic hardship as Koreans. There is even a stronger sense of urgency in their efforts to deal with these problems.

We are too ignorant about our black neighbors. Casual encounters on the side streets and business encounters between merchants and clientele alone cannot promote mutual understanding. These types of superficial encounters will only deepen mutual misunderstanding and prejudice. One convenient but effective way of learning about black people is to participate in their meetings, such as church services. We can learn so much about them by attending their church events.

It may be the first step toward promoting understanding. Mutual visits by lay worshipers rather than the ministers would be more desirable.
