
Aiming at the Ego of ‘Happy Warrior’

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Congressman Bob Dornan seems to be very concerned (“ ‘Happy Warrior’ Returns Fire,” Letters, Jan. 24) about his “public career and reputation.” Surely this couldn’t be the very same congressman who:

* Has been feeding at the taxpayers trough for 14 years, accomplishing little more than getting Dec. 5 (designated) Walt Disney Appreciation Day?

* Got tossed off an airplane because he wouldn’t follow FAA rules?

* Started a fight on the hallowed floor of Congress when another congressman disagreed with him?


* Did not respect the inaugural process enough to attend the ceremonies?

* Complains that Judy Ryan’s campaign violated Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment after calling me “dead meat” and an “unadulterated sleaze ball” and the supporters of Judy Ryan “lesbian spear-chuckers”?

It just couldn’t be the same congressman who is so worried about his “public career and reputation.”

Mr. Dornan, someone else must be going around using your name!

The point is not whether Judy Ryan was recruited to run against him or not. For an unknown candidate (Ryan) in 75 days to come within 6,000 votes of beating him truly makes a statement about the respect he commands in his own district.


For some reason, a challenge to his throne is obviously eating at his ego, particularly because two women almost beat him.

As we women say, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!

As I recall from his first march into Orange County, he didn’t live in the district; he challenged an incumbent.

I get it. It’s OK for him to do it, but not for others.

This is America, congressman. Anyone who is 35 years or older has a constitutional right to run for Congress, even against you.




Editor’s note: Eileen Padberg was Judith M. Ryan’s campaign manager in her unsuccessful bid against Robert K. Dornan in the June Republican primary.
