
Serbian Aggression


In his Jan. 30 letter, Alexander Yahontov faults your editorials as “inflammatory” and “war-instigating.” But let’s look at Serbia’s actualization of “their own vision of their future”--his words--namely, a drive to a Greater Serbia.

Through the 1980s Serbia transformed the autonomous provinces of Kosovo and Vojodina into police states. To disrupt the democratic process of the republics of Slovenia and Croatia ending local Communist rule, they sent in their Chetnik thugs. Next, the brief blitzkrieg on Slovenia.

But they saved the might of the Serb-dominated Yugoslav National Army to grab a third of Croatia, resulting in the Vance Cyrus United Nations peace plan to consolidate that occupation. We now have the ongoing humanitarian nightmare in Bosnia-Herzegovina.


But Yahontov knows that in their “vision” of a Greater Serbia the bottom line is that not one Serb has been killed on Serb soil.


American-Croatian Assn.

Mid-California Chapter

Santa Barbara
