
What Price Local Law Enforcement?

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Looks as if we may be in for some changes in law enforcement here in Orange County.

At the north end, Yorba Linda is balking at the $400,000 raise the Brea Police Department says it needs to continue providing police services to the residents of Yorba Linda.

Yorba Linda wisely wants to study its options: 1) A new contract with the Brea Police Department; 2) A contract with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, and 3) Forming its own police department.

At the south end, San Clemente (approved) a contract that would merge its Police Department with the Sheriff’s Department, provide its sworn officers with raises of $10,000 to $14,000, increase its street patrol officers by as much as 75% at night and 35% during the day and save the city $4 million in two years.


Since we all know what is said of the “deal that is too good to be true,” I’d like to make three suggestions: 1) San Clemente should take a hard look at where its law enforcement dollars have been spent; 2) Our county supervisors should take a hard look at Brad Gates’ offer to San Clemente; 3) Yorba Linda should postpone any decision in this regard until the dust clears.


Laguna Beach
