
World Trade Center Bombing

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Your article (March 5) says that Salameh is a “devout Muslim” and “Authorities formally charged Mohammed A. Salameh, 25, with ‘aiding and abetting’ the Feb. 26 attack.” If Salameh indeed is responsible in any way for the bombing, he is not a devout Muslim. Do not generalize Muslims. I am an American Muslim and I am disgusted and saddened by this act of terrorism. The Islamic faith condemns any violence against civilians, women, children and people of other religious faiths.

The media are quick to generalize Muslims. The deplorable act allegedly committed by Salameh does not mean that all Muslims are terrorists. The same is true in the case of David Koresh’s Christian cult. Not all Christians claim to be Jesus Christ and murder people. Koresh’s acts are not representative of the Christian faith, nor is Salameh’s alleged act representative of the Muslim faith.

I want to thank Larry B. Stammer for presenting the majority (i.e., the ones who truly practice Islam) of Muslims as decent human beings (March 5). I am hopeful that in the future the media won’t continue to stereotype and dehumanize Muslims.



Los Angeles
