
VENTURA : Illegal Park Might Be Demolished

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An illegal neighborhood park in one of the city’s poorest areas may be torn down because it violates city codes, Ventura officials said.

The Ventura City Council is expected to decide today what to do about a small park on a vacant lot at the east end of Lewis Street. The park was illegally erected about three months ago.

Some residents put a swing set, treehouse and horseshoe pit on a dirt lot of about 5,000 square feet for neighborhood children, but it was on private property, said Everett Millais, director of community development for the city.


“It tears at your heartstrings, because you have citizens who are trying to help the neighborhood,” Millais said. “On the other hand, someone went out there and stuck something on someone else’s property without any permission.”

Some neighbors have also complained that the park has attracted adults late at night who drink alcohol, talk loudly and urinate publicly, Millais said.

The city’s code enforcement staff warned residents earlier this month that the makeshift park was in violation of city codes, but the residents appealed to the City Council to intervene.


The council directed city staff to prepare a report about the park so that council members could make a decision today. The city has suspended code enforcement until a decision is made, Millais said.

The owners and residents were not able to be reached for comment.

Millais said the land is not zoned for park use and city officials could face a lawsuit if a child gets hurt while playing on the equipment.

“We don’t own the land, but we would get sued,” Millais said. “We’re the deep pockets.”
