
PLACENTIA : Park Will Continue to Be Closed at Dusk

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Acting on a request by the Police Department, the City Council last week decided to continue closing La Placita Parkette at dusk at least until September.

The small neighborhood park has been the site of increased graffiti, drug use and gang activity, with most of the problems occurring after dark. A particular target has been the park’s gazebo and a nearby vacant house.

Last year, the council approved closing the park at dusk on a six-month trial basis. Police were concerned that gang members who gathered at the park presented a target for rival gangs. An elevated portion of nearby La Jolla Street offers a clear view of the park. The street also provides a quick escape route.


“People in and around the park are vulnerable to random acts of gang violence, such as drive-by shootings,” Police Chief Manuel E. Ortega said in a memo last year.

According to Capt. Daryl Thomann, compliance with the earlier closing has been good and, combined with increased police presence in the area, has decreased the number of calls from residents.

A cleanup day was held at the park earlier this year, with the city “rededicating” the park to the citizens. But Thomann said daytime use of the park is limited, as residents are still afraid of using it.


“We hope (closing the park at dusk) isn’t a permanent situation,” Thomann said. “But right now we need to continue it to address the problems there.”
