
MOORPARK : Sex Education to Include AIDS


After nearly two years of work by a committee of teachers, parents and religious leaders, the Moorpark school board has unanimously adopted a new sex education curriculum that introduces AIDS as a topic for discussion as early as kindergarten.

The board is expected to decide on specific instructional materials in June and the curriculum could debut in Moorpark classes next September.

“This document is a good compromise, and that’s what we wanted,” said board member Tom Baldwin, a member of the district-appointed committee. “What we came up with in the end is something I think will be good for Moorpark and reflect a good cross-section of our community’s values.”


While sex education and AIDS are already being discussed in district classes, Assistant Supt. Frank DePasquale said the new plan, approved Tuesday, updates existing lessons and gives children more information at a younger age.

“Someone’s got to give these kids some tools for making good choices and counteracting the world we have today,” board member Pam Castro said.
