
U.N. Commission on El Salvador

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In response to the March 17 commentary “The Atrocious Truth Is Out; Now for the Consequences,” Jorge Castaneda states “The Truth Commission tells a terrible tale, but not just of who was responsible for what during the long war.” The Truth Commission, however, failed to point out who financed and masterminded the brutal killings in El Salvador, Panama, Iraq, and other countries alike.

I urge the U.N. and Rep. Robert G. Torricelli (D-N.J.), chairman of the Western Hemisphere subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, to build a case in the U.N. against the U.S. government officials involved in the massacre of more than 75,000 innocent Salvadorans. Justice and peace will be well-served when the U.S. government stops playing God, and compensates surviving civilians from El Salvador for all the psychological distress inflicted upon them.


Los Angeles
