
Franklin Hills Assn.

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As a resident of Franklin Hills, I usually attend the meetings of the Franklin Hills Residents’ Assn., but was obliged to miss the one that was mentioned in an article (“False Rumors Fan Fears of Unrest,” March 17). It must have been rather unusual, as the article gave the impression of a vigilante spirit, which is most uncharacteristic of this community. To be sure, we do have a few residents noted for shooting off their mouths, but I doubt if they use anything more lethal than heavy verbiage. In the past year the association has devoted its energy to such activities as donating a set of encyclopedias to the local library, giving a retirement party for our postman, planting trees (this month’s major effort), crime prevention and disaster preparedness.

Disaster preparedness, while capable of relating to any kind of disruption, is mostly focused on the major earthquake which we all know is coming . . . someday, somewhere.

The flyer that was sent out was an attempt to get the attention of those residents who have not been coming to meetings, and perhaps do not understand what we are trying to accomplish. It may indeed have been alarmist; but then so may be the governor if indeed he is already planning to deploy the Guard, as reported in The Times on March 19.



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