
PORK WATCH, PART II: Lawmakers, whose reelection...

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PORK WATCH, PART II: Lawmakers, whose reelection has often depended on bringing home the bacon, confirm the new climate. “Every project is being held up to a stricter standard than before,” says Rep. Jane Harman (D-Marina del Rey). “Also, I think we will give the President line-item veto power soon, which means that if Congress doesn’t take objectionable items out of bills, the President will.” . . . Walt Riker, a top aide to Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole (R-Kan.), agrees that “earmarking will be more difficult, given the new generation of members” of Congress. But he predicts a rash of “stealth earmarking”--that is, Democratic lawmakers secretly agreeing with agency heads to fund certain projects but not putting the details into bills.
