
Empower the People to Be Self-Sufficient : Mayor’s race: Low-cost housing, barter markets, ethnic festivals can revitalize the city.

Adam Bregman is a musician, writer and activist.

When I am elected mayor, the role of city government will no longer be to consolidate wealth and power among the rich while leaving whole communities to rot and people so poor that their only recourse is to commit crimes and riot.

I will no longer put up with a city government that doesn’t care that there are homeless people at most major intersections with “Will Work for Food” signs. I will not put up with the inequity of a city where you can drive down one street and see rundown houses and apartments with bars on the windows and on the next block find high-priced condominiums with full-time private security. More police or only token community involvement will not solve the endemic problems in communities that have had their resources and wealth exploited and sucked out.

People will never be free if they don’t have control over their own housing. Vacant buildings and property that owes the city rent will be converted into housing by the homeless themselves, with technical advice from the city. New housing must include open space and roof gardens that minimize runoff and help make L.A. more water-independent. Community markets must be set up where bartering is encouraged and vending must be legalized, permit-free. When communities are made self-sufficient, crime will decrease.


The City Council does not reflect or represent the diverse communities of Los Angeles. I will propose a randomly appointed city congress with as many representatives as there are communities that wish to be represented.

This is not simply a list of reforms. It is a comprehensive plan to radically free this city. When I am elected mayor, multi-ethnic city festivals, street performing and public art will become an intrinsic part of Los Angeles, making this a world-class city undergoing a cultural renaissance, where people feel free and alive.
