
Robert Schuller


* The Rev. Robert Schuller’s withdrawal of support for Orange County Superior Court Judge James P. Gray’s proposal to re-examine our drug laws is a sad commentary (May 15).

All Gray is asking is that we press the President to appoint a commission to study the effectiveness of our war on drugs. Schuller has been intimidated by local law enforcement into waffling and backing off.

Local law enforcement enjoys its current power to confiscate cars, homes and cash from any person caught in the presence of these “evil substances.” A large part of law enforcement’s activity and budget is related to chasing nonviolent drug sellers and addicts, while crimes of rape, armed robbery, assault and murder get less attention.


Drug legalization would reduce the crimes of murder, burglary, armed robbery, carjacking and theft. In these times of limited money for police, let’s at least direct them to focus on crimes of violence. The war on drugs is really a war on the people.


