
OXNARD : Emotions High at College Graduation


Thanking their families, cracking jokes and occasionally bursting into tears, Oxnard College’s Class of 1993 graduated Friday afternoon under a clear blue sky on the campus’ front lawn.

Although not all of the 385 graduates attended the ceremony Friday, those who showed up were jubilant.

The students, who collected associate of arts and associate of science degrees, ranged in age from 18 to 67. Some finished course work for their degrees in less than two years. For others, it was a lifelong task.


“I never thought this day would ever come,” said Darren Lewis, 45, a liberal arts major and construction worker. “For too long I’ve heard people tell me I was stupid. I knew better, but now I’ve got the proof.”

As they received their diplomas, each student was given the opportunity to make brief remarks to the audience of about 1,000.

The speeches--most in English but some in Spanish--provided a glimpse into the varied and sometimes difficult lives of the students, nearly half of whom are over 35 years old.

“Hi, my name is John,” one graduate said. “And I’m a recovering alcoholic. This is another miracle in my life.”

As they paraded across the stage, their dark blue gowns flowing, some thanked husbands for cooking dinners, landlords who were patient when the rent was due and professors who changed their lives.

There was also humor.

After one graduate told the audience about the difficulties of handling homework and six children, a student said: “And I’d also like to thank my eight children.”


After pausing, he added: “No, just kidding, Mom. I don’t have any. . . . Really.”
