
Ladies and gentlemen, for this week’s offering...


Ladies and gentlemen, for this week’s offering we bring you a talk on humorous phonograph recordings by one Barret Hansen, master of arts in folk music.

“It won’t be dull, I promise you that,” Hansen says. “I’ll just have a chance to get into it a little more deeply than I do on the show.”


Yes, Hansen is featured on a radio broadcast at 8 p.m. every Sunday. Perhaps you’ve heard of it. It’s called the “Dr. Demento Show,” on KLSX, 97.1 FM.


Hansen is the good doctor himself, a master mixer of merry mayhem, and as such is eminently qualified to discuss the history of comedy on records. He has agreed to bring his most amusing samples from his formidable collection of more than 200,000 recordings and tapes and to sing his signature song, “Shaving Cream,” a rather odd ditty to associate with a gentleman who sports a full beard.

On Wednesday evening in Pasadena, he’ll be presenting material that he can’t really use on his radio program. Does that include material that is . . . ahem, shall we say, off-color?

“One or two will be,” the good doctor says. “But in a way, that also refers to some of the earlier things I’ll be playing.”

He concedes that comedy is often topical in nature. For example, jokes that were popular in the 1970s involving the Watergate scandal have little meaning to an 18-year-old today. But there is some humor that transcends the ages, such as the “Who’s on First?” routine as written and performed in the 1940s by Bud Abbott and Lou Costello.

“And others it only takes a little explanation to bring the humor out,” said Hansen, which is also something he’s not normally able to do during his regular broadcast.

The event at the Ice House Annex, 38 N. Mentor Ave., begins at 8 p.m. Tickets are $8.50.

Come one, come all, and in the words of the doctor:

“Stay de-e-e-e-mented!”
