
PORT HUENEME/FILLMORE : Libraries Get Grants for Literacy Program

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Libraries in Port Hueneme and Fillmore each have received $5,000 grants for a literacy program designed to bring young children and senior citizens together, officials announced.

The Ray D. Prueter Library in Port Hueneme and the Fillmore Library received the grants to buy books and other materials for their Grandparents and Books program, said Sunny Church, the manager of the children’s services division of the county library system.

The program, in which older people read to children and listen to young people read books, is intended as a public service to both age groups.


“It gives older people something to do to help in the community, and it gives children a chance to read and a place to go after school if their parents are working,” Church said.

Three half-day training sessions for volunteers will start this summer.
