
Disaster Loan Deadline Near for Storm Victims


Victims of the winter storms, floods and mudslides are running out of time to apply for disaster loans before the deadline expires Tuesday, federal officials said.

To date, the Small Business Administration has approved more than $22.5 million in emergency loans to California residents who suffered damage from the severe winter weather, said Michael Howland, the administration’s regional administrator.

The administration will make long-term, low-interest loans to homeowners, renters and business owners who suffered property damage in the storms, while small-business owners may also qualify for funds to offset the economic loss they suffered, Howland said.


Loan officers will be available at seven offices in the state, the nearest at 6350 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Suite 205, North Hollywood.

For more information, call 800-488-5323, or for hearing-impaired individuals, 916-978-5564.
