
OXNARD : Panel to Review EIR for Development Area

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The Oxnard Planning Commission tonight will review the environmental impact of a master plan for developing 856 acres in the city’s northeast section.

In the works for at least 10 years, the Northeast Community Specific Plan calls for the construction of 3,075 housing units on 496 acres, and commercial, office and research uses on 112 acres, according to a draft environmental report.

A final environmental review of the plan is expected to be released within a month, City Planner Matt Winegar said Wednesday. Much of the area is outside the Oxnard city limits, but would be annexed before development can begin. Planners envision the construction of an elementary school, junior high school and high school to meet the needs of new residents in the area.


Most negative impacts caused by construction in the area could be mitigated, according to the environmental review.

The area was identified for future expansion by the city in its 2020 General Plan. Winegar said most of the developer interest in the northeast community has been for housing, and that the area offers the potential for increasing the city’s stock of affordable housing.

“This area will provide a broader range of housing than recent projects elsewhere in the city, everything from moderate-income condominiums to first-time home-buyer housing,” Winegar said.


The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. at Oxnard City Hall.
