
Memory of a Beloved Classmate Stays Alive


I read the May 26 article on Sgt. Larry Collazo with great interest. Please print the following letter concerning Larry, as he was a close friend:

I graduated with Larry from Washington High in 1965. He was a stocky guy who used his brain more than his size to great advantage. While playing football with him, he was one of the few guys who would pick you up after he knocked you three rows into the stands--the same stands he used to make speeches to his audience as a unanimously elected student body president.

Larry had an exceptional zest of life for all people, a zest that should have been kept alive rather than being snuffed in such an unrewarding manner. Larry’s death by government decree in an unjust war was just as unwarranted as those who are killed by the stupidity of the street gang’s bullet.


Larry’s name was mentioned repeatedly at our 10-, 20- and 25-year reunions. At the 20-year reunion, there was a picture of the guys who didn’t come back from Vietnam. Larry’s picture was not displayed along with Willard Brookens, Ernie Mitchell and the rest of the unfortunates. Nobody knew why, but now we do. The government had listed him as missing, not killed, in action.

Now that we know what happened to Larry, I’m sure he’ll be remembered with renewed vigor at our 50th gathering.


Los Angeles
