
SANTA PAULA : Administrator Predicts Worsening Budget Woes


The city of Santa Paula will be broke within two years unless the city cuts services or raises taxes, the City Council was informed Monday during a budget study session.

Seeking direction from the council on how to balance the city’s budget, City Administrator Arnold Dowdy predicted that the council will cringe at the budget he will soon submit to them.

“I can bring you a balanced budget, but you’d probably reject it,” Dowdy said. “This is not going to be fun.”


Over the past two years, the city has eliminated 8 1/2 of the city’s 91 positions, already trimming city staff to the bone, Dowdy said.

“We’re going to have to look at some hard choices,” he said, asking for suggested areas to cut the budget.

Council members were cautious in responding to the negative report, offering support for the city’s Police and Fire departments, but stopping short of advocating higher taxes.

Afterward, Mayor Margaret A. Ely said the council was leery of voicing support for higher taxes until residents understand the seriousness of the city’s financial status.

“I don’t see any way around an increase in revenue,” Ely said. “Only if residents volunteer to clean up the parks, clean out the restrooms and patrol their own neighborhoods could we do without one.”
