
Christopher to Visit Mideast in August


Secretary of State Warren Christopher said Friday that he will visit the Middle East next month but that no “major breakthroughs” in the regional peace process are likely.

Christopher will visit the area from Aug. 1 to 5, stopping in Cairo; Jerusalem; Amman, Jordan, and Damascus, Syria, officials said.

“I wouldn’t expect that this trip will achieve any major breakthroughs, but I do think it’s a part of a process that we want to pursue with great determination to assist the parties,” Christopher told reporters.


The question of whether Christopher would visit the region has buzzed around Washington and the Middle East since the 10th round of peace talks here ended in deadlock last month.

Christopher said he made the decision to go after conferring with Dennis Ross, the U.S. coordinator for the peace talks, who returned from a visit to Israel, Egypt, Syria and Jordan this week.
