
Ancient Forests


* Your editorial, “Protecting Trees--and People’s Jobs” (July 2), really hit the mark in exposing the weakness in the President’s ancient forest plan. As you point out, the President’s plan creates a huge loophole that would allow logging in the so-called “reserved” areas. This would result in continued destruction of this priceless public resource. Great doubt remains whether the very agencies that brought us this mess can be trusted to fairly implement the President’s plan. We hope the Administration understands this problem and begins cleaning house at the top of the Forest Service.

While the President’s plan doesn’t go far enough, Clinton has made a sincere effort to tackle this problem, unlike previous administrations that abandoned the forests, the timber communities and the law. The Wilderness Society is eager for every opportunity to show the Administration how to improve the plan to ensure that the last 10% of the ancient forest is permanently protected.


Assistant Regional Director

The Wilderness Society

San Francisco
