
Save the Bull? Just Charge It


Wall Street may love a bull market, but does it really care about the bull, or specifically, about a 7,000-pound bronze bovine plunked down in the middle of the financial district three years ago?

Its creator wants to move his masterpiece to a place that really knows how to gamble--Las Vegas--but is willing to leave it where it is for a mere $300,000.

One Wall Street firm, Herzog Heine Geduld Inc., has started a campaign to save the “Charging Bull,” but so far it is a lonely fight.


Sounding the alarm that the statue may be sold to a hotel in Las Vegas unless $300,000 is raised, Herzog Chairman John Herzog donated $3,000 to the “Save the Charging Bull” fund and is urging 99 of his peers to do the same. So far, no matching contributions have been made.
