
WESTMINSTER : Car Dealers Hope Balloon Will Go Up


Car dealers are hoping the city will soon allow them to advertise by using balloons and banners without first having to apply for a zoning variance.

Their hopes are based on action taken in Huntington Beach, which adopted a special ordinance last year allowing auto dealers to fly flags, banners and balloons without first receiving permission from the Planning Commission. Bob Longpre, owner of Bob Longpre Pontiac in Westminster, recently sent a letter to the City Council asking for adoption of a similar ordinance.

“The city of Huntington Beach has been aggressive to assist the auto dealers to be competitive in this down market,” Longpre said. “We need something like that in Westminster.”


Under the city’s current ordinance, most displays, including flags, banners and balloons, must first be approved by the Planning Commission. An application for a variance costs the dealer $500 and often takes up to 90 days for approval.

The Planning Commission agreed at a July 26 study session to recommend that the council adopt a portion of the Huntington Beach sign code, which would allow dealerships to fly flags and pennants on a limited basis in limited areas. The commission voted against allowing any inflatable devices, including “monster” cold-air balloons, helium balloons and strings of balloons.

But Longpre said he thinks the extra visibility provided by balloons would help business. “We don’t want anything obnoxious or unsightly,” he said. “But a couple dozen toy balloons aren’t going to hurt anything, especially if we take them down after a certain amount of time.”

The council will address the matter at its meeting next Tuesday.
