
Amend Constitution


Gov. Pete Wilson says that the best way to curb illegal immigration would be to deny automatic citizenship to children born to illegal aliens on U.S. soil. This requires a constitutional amendment which, not surprisingly, is appealing to many here in conservative Orange County.

Yet when I talk to these amend-the-14th-Amendment supporters about the increasing public sentiment toward gun control (two-thirds of all Americans would like to see handgun legislation according to recent polls), they suddenly become passionate defenders of our most sacred legal document. “How dare you tamper with the Constitution? The Second Amendment clearly states that our right to bear Uzis, AK47s, and Saturday Night Specials shall not be infringed,” they say.

I guess that means you can have it both ways. It’s OK to throw out some rights but not others. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some consistency for once, gun lovers?


