
RAPT LISTENERS: The award for most attentive...

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RAPT LISTENERS: The award for most attentive Valley listeners to President Clinton’s address tonight (6 p.m., all networks) might go to executives of three managed-care companies that staked their futures on Clinton’s health plan. Health Net of Woodland Hills and UniHealth of Burbank both have mergers planned to compete in the new environment. Woodland Hills-based WellPoint was actually created in anticipation of Clinton’s plans. . . . Says Health Net Chairman Roger Greaves: “I’ll be watching every second. . . .”

GAY PARENTS: That fight in other states over gay and lesbian adoptions appears to be over in California. Judges routinely disregard recommendations by child-welfare agencies to reject unmarried partners (E1). “Gays and lesbians have been adopting as single parents (in California) for a long time,” Encino family law attorney Diane Goodman says. “What’s new . . . is adding their partner as a co-parent.”

MOM, DAUGHTER: The Courtney Thomas case came flying back to Los Angeles, wrapped in even more national media attention. Courtney, 5, is shown above with her mother, Catherine Thomas, who fled to Pittsburgh with her after a judge awarded custody to an unrelated Van Nuys man. Arrested there, the mother heard a Pittsburgh judge express sympathy . . . but he had to send her back to face prosecution anyway (B1).
