
News Bureau Opens to Spread Word About Satellite Television

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A news service bureau opened in San Clemente on Wednesday to offer information about satellite television to the North American media.

The Satellite News Bureau is designed to serve as a resource on the 250 channels of video and data and 110 audio channels that are delivered directly, by satellite dish, to homes.

The bureau was formed by a coalition of more than 25 companies, many of which are represented on an editorial board that will approve the bureau’s operations.


Chairman of the editorial board is Scott Weiss, executive vice president of Turner Home Satellite. Other board members are Tola Murphy-Baran of Showtime, Vinnie Bauer of HBO Direct, Kim Gordon of Netlink, Karen Tardy of PrimeTime 24, Mike Schroeder of Consumer Satellite, Jim Shelton of General Instrument and Joe Lewis of Resource Electronics.

The bureau plans to operate seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern time.
