
When You’re Broke, Abroad and in Trouble

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Americans who find themselves in a jam overseas and need money fast can now get help from the Office of Overseas Citizens Services at the Department of State.

The office will send money to U.S. citizens in emergency--they stress the word emergency --financial situations abroad, as described in “Sending Money to Overseas Citizens Services,” a Bureau of Consular Affairs “Tips for Travelers” information sheet that is newly available through its automated fax service.

For a fee of $15 to $40, funds are forwarded (by Western Union, bank wire, overnight delivery or mail) to a trust account in the recipient’s name at the nearest embassy or consulate. Funds can be charged to a major credit card, or paid by other means.


The free tips are available via fax by calling (202) 647-3000, or by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Office of Overseas Citizens Services, Bureau of Consular Affairs, State Dept., Room 4811, Washington, D.C. 20520.
