
CLIPPERS : Harper Gets Elbowed, Has Lip Stitched


Clipper guard Ron Harper required five stitches to close a cut on his lower lip after he was accidentally elbowed in the mouth by free agent guard Harold Ellis in practice Wednesday night.

“I didn’t even see him,” Ellis said. “I was just going for the ball on a steal, and he bumped into me. I didn’t try to do it or nothing. I was just trying to play defense.”

Harper, who left practice 50 minutes early to get the stitches, said he expects to practice today.



Although Harper has threatened to leave the Clippers at the end of the season if the club doesn’t sign him to a new contract by the end of training camp Saturday, Harper’s agent said this week the Clippers haven’t spoken to him since training camp began last Friday.

“We’re not close to a deal,” said Mark Termini, Harper’s agent. “We’ve talked a few times over the last couple of weeks, but there hasn’t been any communication since training camp started.”

Joe Safety, Clipper vice president of communications, said the club has tried unsuccessfully to contact Termini.

“Our position is the same,” Safety said. “We’re going to do what we can to get it done.”

Harper became the highest-paid guard in the NBA when the Clippers picked up his $4-million one-year option for this season.

“I’m prepared to come in and just play the year out and go from there,” Harper said.

“I told (Termini) if (the Clippers) don’t call him, don’t call them. And that’s the way it’s going to be.”
