
Congress OKs $261-Billion Defense Budget

<i> From Associated Press</i>

Congress sent President Clinton a $261-billion defense budget Wednesday that endorses a more restrictive version of the White House policy on homosexuals in the military.

By a vote of 77-22, the Senate adopted the budget measure for the fiscal year that began Oct. 1--a package $2.6 billion less than the amount Clinton proposed and $12 billion below last year’s level.

The House approved the legislation Monday. Clinton is expected to sign it.

One day after a federal appeals court ruled that the military ban on declared homosexuals is based on prejudice and serves no legitimate purpose, the Senate voted for a military-gays policy designed to guide the courts.


The policy includes a series of findings that says Congress has the constitutional right to raise armies, maintain the Navy and set rules for their operation.

The legislation states that military service is unlike anything in civilian life and “the prohibition against homosexual conduct is a longstanding element of military law that continues to be necessary in the unique circumstances of military service.”

Forced to abandon his campaign pledge to lift the ban outright, Clinton set a policy of “don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t pursue” on July 19. It says sexual orientation is not a bar to service, but open homosexuals will be forced out of the service.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sam Nunn (D-Ga.), a leading opponent of ending the ban, wrote the policy that was adopted by the House and Senate.

The Nunn policy says don’t ask about sexual orientation, but lets a future defense secretary reinstate the question. The policy also says open declarations of homosexuality pose an unacceptable risk to morale, good order and discipline.

Among provisions of the bill approved Wednesday are:

* Approximately $3 billion for ballistic missile defense, a cut of $745 million from Clinton’s request and $1.1 billion below last year’s level.


* A pay raise of 2.2% effective Jan. 1, 1994, despite Clinton’s call for an across-the-board pay freeze.

* $2.9 billion to assist communities and contractors hard hit by reductions in defense spending.
