
Permit Counter for AQMD Unveiled


A San Fernando Valley councilman unveiled Tuesday a one-stop counter in downtown Los Angeles for air quality permits and promised that a second will be opened in Sylmar next month.

Councilman Hal Bernson said the counter at City Hall allows business owners to apply for permits from the South Coast Air Quality Management District without having to drive to AQMD headquarters in Diamond Bar.

The counter, which will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., is located next to several other counters where applications for various construction permits are accepted. AQMD permits are required for dry cleaners, gasoline stations or other businesses that may create hazardous fumes.


Bernson said the counter helps streamline the city’s permit process and makes the city more business-friendly.

“We’ve seen the challenge and we are here to meet it,” he said.

The opening of the counter was also lauded by AQMD Assistant Deputy Executive Officer Nick Nikkila, who said the satellite counter will help clean the air by reducing the number of motorists who must drive to Diamond Bar.

The second AQMD satellite counter will open in about two weeks at the Valley offices of councilmen Richard Alarcon and Bernson at 13517 Hubbard St. in Sylmar. That office will also be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
