
Providing Some Cheer for Homeless


* As the executive director of the Orange County Rescue Mission, harsh attitudes about the homeless are directed my way very frequently. Many feel that the homeless are an unsavory group of bums who live ungratefully off of society’s kindness. This is the “face” that some people place on all of the homeless.

The face which I see is of an entirely different countenance. I see the face of a hurting child who has done nothing to deserve that harsh image.

At times of the year like the holiday season, the very real image of the hungry, homeless child is heartbreaking. The child may be living with both unemployed parents in a car, or he may be forced to endure cold nights outdoors because his mother is a drug addict.


Harsh voices may say, “Well, most of the homeless aren’t children,” and they would be right. Most are not children. Only one-third of the Orange County homeless are children.

Only one-third.

We have between 12,000 and 15,000 homeless people living on the streets of our beautiful county. (That means that “only” 4,000 to 5,000 of them are children whose average age, incidentally, is 8 years old).

As Christmas approaches and the cold and emotional pain that these children suffer becomes worse, the Orange County Rescue Mission is redoubling its effort to provide at least one bright spot in their lives.

If they can’t celebrate Christmas in their own home, at least they can come to the Rescue Mission where they will have a wrapped gift waiting for them.

Without doubt, the harsh voices of criticism will continue to harangue us with negativity. And, also without doubt, we will continue to provide love, clean clothes, safe shelter and a hot meal to those whom Jesus asked God to bless. I am grateful to the vast majority of the people of Orange County, who share our desire to treat the homeless with respect, kindness and Christian love. To some, we may be foolish. Well, I’d rather foolishly serve the homeless than wisely condemn them.


Executive Director

Orange County Rescue Mission
