
SALES BOOM: This season of peace on...


SALES BOOM: This season of peace on Earth and goodwill toward men is also a popular time to buy guns and ammo. . . . “Gun sales always go up at Christmastime,” said Tony Partipilo at Hahn’s Guns in Camarillo. Many buy firearms as presents for spouses or grown children, he said. Because of registration laws, recipients usually find a gift certificate rather than a Remington under the tree. . . . Most popular gift weapon: shotguns, selling for $200 to $1,500. Favorite stocking stuffers include ammunition, holsters and gun bags. . . . Handguns are also hot sellers for the holidays, but Wal-Mart will soon stop carrying them (D1).

BIRD COUNT: Members of the Ventura Audubon Society will be stalking birds Jan. 2, but not to shoot. They just want to see how many types are out there. “We’re usually fourth or fifth in the nation in number of species sighted,” President Art Marshall said. Last winter’s total: 182. . . . With the mountains, ocean and Lake Casitas, Ventura County offers unusually diverse habitat for birds, he said. This time, counters hope to see a wood duck recently spotted at Casitas, “a beautiful duck with a multicolored head,” Marshall said. . . . Last weekend, a Conejo Valley bird census counted 170 species.

DOUGHY DELIGHTS: In a county where most people buy bread at the supermarket, it’s not easy to bag a baguette or bring home a brioche. But local bakeries offer a surprising variety of breads and pastries (Ventura County Life, Page 24). . . . Our favorite bread? Probably sourdough, chosen by 70% of patrons at the Sandwich Factory in Ventura.


OUTFITTING SANTA: Only two days left to shop--and for Don Dujardan, only two more days to play Santa Claus (B1). . . . Amateur Clauses have bought up 60 Santa outfits at Bonnie’s in Ventura, saleswoman Lisa Robledo said. “Mostly it’s dads and grandpas wanting to dress up for the kids.” . . . But saying ho-ho-ho takes dough: Suits cost between $49 and $169. Then there’s the beard ($39 to $89), toy bag ($6 to $12) and glasses ($3). . . . Here’s a break: One size fits all.
