
O’Neill Eulogized as Great-Hearted Man Who Never Forgot His Roots

<i> From The Washington Post</i>

A huge extended family of neighbors, friends and politicians said farewell Monday to former House Speaker Thomas P. (Tip) O’Neill Jr. (D-Mass.), who was hailed as a great-hearted man who never forgot his roots.

O’Neill, who was 81 when he died Wednesday, was eulogized at his funeral as the last of the big-time Boston Irish politicians, a warm and caring friend, a natural storyteller and the embodiment of the New Deal spirit in the Democratic Party.

Foremost among the mourners were his widow, Mildred, his five children and many grandchildren.


Fighting tears, House Rules Chairman J. Joseph Moakley (D-Mass.) paid tribute to his friend and mentor as the ideal politician, one who “treated Mrs. O’Leary down the street with the same respect as the president of any country.”

Among the dignitaries were former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Gerald R. Ford, Vice President Al Gore, Massachusetts Gov. William F. Weld, House Speaker Thomas S. Foley (D-Wash.), House Minority Leader Robert J. Michel (R-Ill.), Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole (R-Kan.), Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), and Rep. Joseph Kennedy (D-Mass.), who holds O’Neill’s old House seat.

Dozens of additional politicians and others overflowed the St. John the Evangelist church sanctuary.
