
On Trip, Clinton Carries Mother’s Autobiography

<i> Associated Press</i>

President Clinton has carried through Europe a copy of his mother’s autobiography that she gave him shortly before her death Jan. 6.

“He’s reading through it and reviewing it,” a White House aide said Saturday, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Clinton left for his European tour hours after attending the funeral of Virginia Kelley in Hot Springs, Ark. He has spoken several times during the trip about how deeply he feels the loss of his mother, his role model and chief supporter during his political career.


Kelley, a retired nurse who loved poker, horse racing and Elvis Presley, was working with a writer on the memoirs as she battled cancer.

Aides say Clinton’s thoughts have never been far from his mother on the trip. “He’s talking a lot about the services and the people he saw and what they said about his mother,” one aide said.

The book’s publication date was moved up from the fall to the spring after her death.
