
Clinton’s Health Called ‘Excellent’

<i> Associated Press</i>

President Clinton underwent a routine physical Tuesday that found him to be in excellent health, although he is still bothered by allergies and has a slightly elevated cholesterol level.

Clinton spent 6 1/2 hours at Bethesda Naval Hospital, where he was examined under the direction of White House physician Dr. Robert Ramsey.

“The President is in excellent health, with no indication of heart disease or other serious disorders,” Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers said in a statement.


Among the few details provided:

* Clinton’s blood pressure was 132 over 74 with a resting pulse of 57. That is close to the normal blood pressure rate of 120 over 80.

* His cholesterol level was 204, with 200 considered the upper limit of ideal. Two hundred to 239 is considered borderline, with patients urged to repeat the test within two years to see if they can bring it down.

Clinton, 47, who went to Bethesda by helicopter, wore no coat or hat despite the 19-degree temperature.
