
SOUTH : Free Training Course in Business Skills


The African American Unity Center and the California American Woman’s Economic Development Corp. are providing a free training course to help low- to moderate-income residents open their own businesses.

Applicants for the 10-week course should attend a pre-business seminar from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Feb. 5 at 5300 S. Vermont Ave. Thirty course applicants will be accepted.

“What we found in so many communities is people have very limited options, and as businesses downsize, it’s becoming harder for people in low-income areas and minorities to find jobs,” said Judith Luther-Wilder, executive director of the economic development corporation, a nonprofit group whose aim is to help women and men in business. “What these programs teach are skills . . . in a very practical, hands-on way.”


Among the course topics are: taxes, basic bookkeeping and how to apply for microloans, Luther-Wilder said.

“People may not have time to go and get an MBA, but they do need to know about how to keep books, take care of taxes and that sort of stuff. Plus, people will benefit from the access they have to the instructors, who are all working bankers and other professionals who are volunteering.”

Information: (310) 983-3747
