
WHITTIER : 2 Upscale Pool Halls Given City Approval


Whittier officials have rolled out the carpet for a couple of classy billiard parlors to try to drum up business in the Uptown area and at the city’s major mall.

The city recently approved proposals for two upscale pool halls, Q’s Billiard Club in the historic Uptown business district, and Paradise Billiards Cafe in the Wittwood Mall. The two establishments will have restaurants, dress codes and--of course--bouncers.

But officials don’t want just any pool-hall operator making inroads into the city.

The council nixed the Village Break, a proposed pool hall that would have offered more pool than dining. And last week it declared a temporary ban on more pool halls--any business that has two or more pool tables. City officials said they are concerned that pool halls may attract unsavory elements.


“Fads are wonderful, but we want to be very cautious about this,” Mayor Bob Henderson said. “You don’t want to see a situation where you suddenly get eight or nine of these pool halls in every little storefront operation.”
