
Let Sen. Roberti Finish His Job


* State Sen. David Roberti served in the 20th District for just over one year. In that time he brought more attention and representation to the district than anyone.

He addressed the issues affecting the Los Angeles Unified School District because parents in the district asked and because the Valley as a whole lost a seat on the board. He created a small-business advisory commission that helped to secure passage of workers’ compensation reform. He fought for equitable and low-income housing. He forced the state budget to be passed on time, appointed people from his district to statewide commissions and maintained a professional course of action.

The Roberti recall initiative is all about revenge and guns, nothing else.

His opponents have displayed a reckless abuse of our political system. All their rhetoric about Roberti’s political record is just smoke and mirrors. As they themselves have said, they are out for revenge, not justice or what is right and good for the 20th District. They are angry because they cannot own an AK-47. They blame Roberti and want to scare other “political leaders” away from following Roberti’s lead.


We need safer streets and an effective political leadership to revitalize the state’s economy. Political leaders must draw upon their expertise and talent to make things happen; vengeance in the form of a recall only promotes political gridlock.

I hope that voters in the 20th District will join me in exercising their rights at the polls and send a message to the gun lobby that responsible people do not act this way.

Roberti has helped the 20th District and the state. Let him finish his job.


North Hills
